
Shabach Beyond Center Nigeria

FPC is privileged to partner with the Shabach Beyond Center Nigeria in the Ungwan Boro community of Kaduna State, Nigeria to first, dig a well that will supply clean drinking water to more than 20,000 people in that community.

Secondly, this mission hopes to train and empower fellow believers in Nigeria as worship leaders. The Swam Sidis are remodeling their home in Kaduna State to serve as the Center, whose focus is to equip worship leaders to return to their various churches to point their congregations to the risen King Jesus.

Future plans are for the renovated facility to house the already adopted orphans, who will be taken care of by a full-time, paid housemother who will live on the property.

The Shabach Beyond Center Nigeria is founded by our own Jerry and Rachael Swam Sidi.

Phase 1 - Access to water

The well is completed and serving the community! 

More about the well

Water from the well is pumped in two large tanks
Public access to the water is beautifully constructed
The finished spigots serve 8 at a time
Jeremiah Swam Sidi at the well site
Kindness quinches more than thirst
— The Shabach Beyond Center Nigeria Water for All Well project

Phase 2 - Building The Center

Construction has begun! The Swam Sidi’s home is being remodeled to become a training center for worship leaders and to house the already adopted orphans.

We are praising God that the funds from donors and the Missionary Emergency Fund have provided enough to accomplish Phase I and to begin Phase 2! We are trusting God’s provision to be able to complete His vision for this mission.

Praising God for His bountiful blessings!

Spurgeon Hope Ministries

Spurgeon Hope Ministries was founded by Rev. Dr. Nehemiah Maji in 2018 to serve retired pastors and the widows and orphans of pastors who died in service (either due to health issues or were martyred for their faith at the hands of Boko Haram or the Fulani Herdsmen) in Kaduna State. Since then, the ministry has expanded its work to provide direct relief to orphans in Kaduna State, as well as Christians fleeing persecution.

Rev. Dr. Maji’s family was directly threatened by terrorists, and they were forced to go into hiding. Since then, they have come to the United States and have been granted asylum. The ministry continues to go strong, and Rev. Dr. Maji continues to coordinate efforts with Spurgeon Hope Ministries and its board, as well as raise awareness in the United States about the plight of Nigerian Christians.

Spurgeon Hope Ministry in action, 2023 update