Upcoming Events
Women's Advent Worship
As the Christmas season approaches, we invite all women of the church and community to join us for a special time of worship and fellowship.
Night of Worship
This will be a time for our church family to come together and reflect on God’s goodness, express our thanks, and lift our voices in praise.
Friendsgiving Feast
6t - 12th grade will share in a feast and worship. Bring your favorite dish to share!
Thanksgiving Scavenger Hunt
6th - 12th grade will do a Thanksgiving Scavenger Hunt to fill our food pantry.
Children's Christmas Play Rehearsal BEGINS
All who want to participate in the Children’s Christmas play are invited to the first rehearsal! All rehearsals will be Sundays 3pm - 4:30pm. The Christmas Play is Dec. 15
Stewardship Sunday
Let’s look together to the joy of Stewardship on Sunday, October 27, 2024, when we will gather in worship, remember what the Lord has done for us, and dedicate ourselves and our resources to the work the Lord has placed before us.
Our stewardship goal this year is $850,000. Join us in the campaign this month to reach that goal. What a joy it is to live and serve together! To God be the glory!
Trunk or Treat
Trunk or treat is a fun and safe way for kids to celebrate Halloween! Sign-up now to bring joy to the Fairmount community!
On Thursday, October 24, we will be joining Fairmount Elementary School in a fun, annual activity that has become a TREAT for all of us.…
Men's Fellowship Breakfast
Join us for Bristol area’s Men’s Fellowship Breakfast on October 19 at 7:30 am -- DON’T MISS IT!
World Communion Sunday
Join us as we gather together as one family of believers at Jesus’ table. One Worship will be in the sanctuary at 11:00 am on World Communion Sunday, October 1.
Fairmount Neighborhood Outreach
In cooperation with the Fairmount Yard Sale as well as the Yard Sale sponsored by Troup 3, we will be having food trucks and bounce houses in our front parking lot. Come out and SHOP, enjoy some good FUN, and have some delicious FOOD as we serve our neighbors.