Ethiopia Mission Trip 2025

Coming in spring, 2025:  FPC’s 7th mission trip to Ethiopia!

We will spend 6 days visiting our various mission partners in Ethiopia: Onesimus Ministries in Addis Ababa and the four schools that we support in the western highlands of Ethiopia, all in Dembi Dollo: Berhane Yesus Elementary School (BYES), Bethel Evangelical Secondary School (BESS), Bethel Tulama Elementary School, and Gidada Theological College.

Our days will be stimulating as we participate in amazing worship, immerse ourselves in Ethiopian culture, learn of the joys and hardships of the Ethiopian people, and visit classrooms where we connect with students, teachers, and leaders of each of the ministries. It’s a wonderful opportunity to see and share in the life of our Ethiopian brothers and sisters and learn how we can better serve their needs.

Because we want to go during the dry season when school is in session, we are targeting the months of February, March, or April, with participants choosing the most convenient travel dates. We anticipate the trip to take 11 days total including two weekends (5 days travel; 6 days on the ground with our partners).

Deadline to sign up: January 7, 2025