MEF Student Scholarships

Qualifications for Consideration

To qualify for consideration for funding, the applicant must be:

· A student preparing for Christian service work, or

· The child of active or retired clergy or missionaries

Students at Gidada Theological College

Application Procedure

Applications: The student grant application form may be completed online, viewed or printed here or may be requested by email to

Deadlines: Upon completion, the student grant application may be emailed to, completed and submitted online here, or mailed to Missionary Emergency Fund, c/o First Presbyterian Church, 701 Florida Avenue, Bristol, TN 37620.

Questions should be directed to the MEF Administrator,

Applications for student scholarships must be submitted by April 15 for the upcoming fall and spring school semesters. Applications received after the deadline are not considered.

Grant Award Process

Qualified students approved for an award are notified of the award in June. The financial support is mailed directly to the educational institution, typically in August. The grant award is applied to the student’s tuition and expenses by the institution over two semesters.

Single cross in dark field