Letters for Confirmands
We are collecting letters for our Confirmands and would love for you to be part of their great cloud of witnesses!
Since September 2022, these confirmation students have participated in weekly classes that have taught, informed, encouraged and challenged their faith. Watching them grow over the past two years and take ownership of their faith has been a joy and an inspiration!
On Sunday, May 5, 2024, the confirmation students will have the opportunity to proclaim their faith to our church family and become members of First Presbyterian Church. As we prepare for this special day, we are asking friends and family to send in cards and letters of spiritual encouragement to our confirmands. Letters are not limited to, but could include a story or memory, something about your own faith or ways your life has been impacted by knowing this student. We invited you to speak love and truth that will spur them on in their faith. The kind words you share will not only encourage them as they prepare to be confirmed but also be kept for years as a reminder that they are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses that will love, guide, and encourage them as they continue to run the race. (Hebrews 12:1-2).
Confirmation Class of 2024
Joel Galliher
Josh Galliher
Mollee McClain
Moses Ong
Charlotte Osborne
Marissa Smith
Penn Story
If you would like to participate, please mail, email (karnold@fpcbristol.org) or deliver all cards and letters by May 1st to:
First Presbyterian Church
Attn.: Katie Arnold
701 Florida Avenue
Bristol, TN 37620
Thank you for joining us as we celebrate this important and exciting time in the lives of our students! Contact Katie Arnold with any questions.