Encourage Our Confirmands
Since September 2021, our confirmation students have participated in weekly classes that have taught, informed, and challenged their ideas of faith. Watching them grow over the past school year and take ownership of their faith has been a joy and an inspiration! It will soon be time to share this joy with all our congregation.
In the combined service on Sunday, May 21, these young people will have the opportunity to proclaim their faith to our church family and become members of First Presbyterian Church. As we prepare for this special day, we ask friends and family to send in cards and letters of spiritual encouragement for our confirmands. The kind words you share will not only encourage them as they prepare to be confirmed but also be kept for years as a reminder of the great cloud of witnesses that surrounds them and that will continue to love, guide, and encourage them as they run the race.
2023 Confirmands
Palmer Akard
AJ Arnold
Lucy Bechtold
Lilly Hankins
Sylvia Kingsley
Rob Meredith
Branch Sword
Katie Arnold is your contact for more information. Please deliver all cards and letters to her attention at the church by Friday, May 19. Thank you for joining in the celebration of this important and exciting time in the lives of our students!