November Mission Focus: Escola Bethel in Felipe Camarão
FPC’s mission focus for November is targeting two needs voiced by our mission partners in Brazil: closing the financial gap for the poorest students in the school and purchasing a freezer for the school’s kitchen.
We are grateful to God for our longstanding partnership with Felipe Camarão Presbyterian Church in Natal Brazil and the Bethel School that is adjacent to the church. Funding the school’s construction in 2003-04 and supporting operations since then, the school is a beacon of hope in the community, providing an excellent pre-school and early elementary education for 130 of this poor community’s most needy children each year. Without the school, many of these students would fall through the cracks, with some predicted to drop out of school as early as 3rd grade. But instead, we see our students move on from Bethel well prepared and motivated to continue their education, with many completing high school and some going on to college.
No tuition is charged to attend the school; however, to encourage involvement and ownership in the educational process, families of students are expected to contribute an amount R$320 (equivalent to approximately US$80) at the start of the Brazilian school year in January. This fee covers the costs for textbooks, workbooks, uniforms, and educational supplies for the entire year. With careful planning, most families are able pay this and do so gratefully, but there are about twenty families for whom this amount is simply unattainable.
School Director Rosângela spoke about this when she and her husband Pastor João Batista visited Bristol in August. In previous years, the teachers and administration have scrambled to find ways to cover these unbudgeted costs. This year, FPC’s Missions and Outreach Committee deemed it worthy of our attention to help raise the funds to purchase the necessary supplies and uniforms for these students.
Now, to the freezer! We all know that nutrition plays an important role in a student’s success. João Batista works with various organizations in the region and receives regular commodity distributions of fresh fruits and vegetables, sometimes unexpectedly. For example, in the summer they received on short notice a truckload of papaya and melons! Even after distributing to the church and school families and many neighbors around the church, without freezer storage some of this produce goes to waste, when it could have been stored and used throughout the year to feed the students.
Our first priority is assisting with the student fees for the coming school year (~$1,600). Funds over this amount will go toward the freezer purchase. The total needed to fully fund both projects is around US$2,900. When making your donation please note “November Brazil Mission Focus.”