Sept Mission Focus
Adult & Teen Challenge Appalachian Region
On August 20 our church had the privilege to hear from Brad Rose, Program Director for Adult & Teen Challenge of the Appalachian Regional Training Center.
Brad told us about the work being done for recovery from life controlling problems as well as the financial realities and constraints the center faces. While it may have been the first time some of us heard of the program and the work the center does in this region, for others of us this organization has been a light when all else seemed lost. Visit the website here.
The center works through spiritual and academic instruction, behavior management, work skills and ethics training, life management training, and emotional support, all delivered within a disciplined and regimented atmosphere that offers the love of Christ to each resident as they fight life-controlling problems.
This organization has meant so much to some members of our congregation that our Mission & Outreach Committee chose it as our mission focus for September. Read a personal testimony here.