Stewardship… responding to God’s Love
Then Jesus said to him, “Follow me.” (John 21:19)
“Follow me.” These two words that Jesus spoke to Peter came at a time of great confusion. We remember that Peter had denied Jesus three times on the night before Jesus’s crucifixion. Now, Peter is face to face with the risen Lord after a gut-wrenching period of isolation, doubt, and fear, wondering what possibly would be next. Three times in this encounter the resurrected Jesus asks Peter to affirm his deep love for the Savior, Jesus, who was standing right in front of him and looking into his eyes. With each of Peter’s three replies, Peter gets more frustrated because he realizes he can’t convey such love with just words. Then Jesus helps him out by giving him the answer saying, “Follow Me.”
This past year was full of new-starts, re-starts, and changes as the Deacons and the Session joined together and worked through a re-visioning process that included approval of a new mission statement and changes to the structure of multiple committees. Many programs have been re-invigorated and are experiencing tremendous growth to include in children’s and youth ministries, Wednesday night supper, and the multigenerational mission trip to Orlando.
Jesus opened doors and said, “Follow Me” as we rethought approaches to serving our neighbors and giving us expanded opportunities for outreach. We grew in understanding of what it means to love one another, and again and again we witnessed the fruits in bountiful measure – and always More Than the Sum.
And now, emboldened with our new mission statement we can envision even greater opportunities for the church to share the love of Jesus with our neighbors near and far.
‘And Jesus said, “Follow me.”
It is with this knowledge that we look with great anticipation for how God will amaze us and lead us in 2024 and beyond. As we each seek to follow Jesus in the FPC church family, may we prayerfully consider how God is calling us to serve and financially support the work of the church toward reaching the $785,000 goal in faithful response to the love of God found in Jesus Christ. Join us in the campaign this month to reach that goal, and let’s look together to the joy of Stewardship Sunday, November 26, 2023 when we will gather in worship, remember what the Lord has done for us, and dedicate ourselves to the work the Lord has places before us. What a joy it is to live and serve together! To God be the glory!