Peggy Hill Peggy Hill

January Mission Focus

FPC’s mission focus for January:

Let’s help Bethel School kids this month! The Bethel School in Felipe Camarão enrolls 130 students each January. A fee of $80 per student covers the cost of uniforms, textbooks, workbooks, supplies, and special events/fieldtrips for the entire year. This amount is small compared to the value of their education, but for several families, paying this fee is simply out of reach. Our support to cover this cost can make a tremendous difference in these precious lives and the school’s success! 

FPC’s mission focus for January is targeting a critical need voiced by our mission partners in Brazil: closing the financial gap for the poorest students in the school.

Let’s help Bethel School kids this month! The Bethel School in Felipe Camarão enrolls 130 students each January. A fee of US$80 per student covers the cost of uniforms, textbooks, workbooks, supplies, and special events/fieldtrips for the entire year. This amount is small compared to the value of their education, but for about 15% of the families, paying this fee is simply out of reach. Our support to cover this cost can make a tremendous difference in these precious lives and the school’s success! 

When making your donation please note “January Brazil Mission Focus.”

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Peggy Hill Peggy Hill

Men’s Breakfast

The monthly men’s breakfast will be at 7:30 a.m. on Saturday morning, February 15, in the Chapel. All men in our community are invited. 

Join us for Bristol area’s Men’s Fellowship Breakfast that happens the third Saturday of each month

Saturday, February 15, at 7:30 am - DON’T MISS IT!

Meetings are held at First Presbyterian Church of Bristol

All men are welcome

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Peggy Hill Peggy Hill

Last Call To Sign Up

Ethiopia Mission Travel : March, 2025

January 7 will be the last day to sign up for FPC’s 7th mission trip to Ethiopia since our partnership began in 2005.

Our days will be stimulating as we participate in amazing worship, immerse ourselves in Ethiopian culture, learn of the joys and hardships of the Ethiopian people, and visit classrooms where we connect with students, teachers, and leaders of each of the ministries. It’s a wonderful opportunity to see and share in the life of our Ethiopian brothers and sisters and learn how we can better serve their needs.

Ethiopia Mission Travel : March, 2025

Don’t miss the deadline! January 7 will be the last day to sign up for FPC’s 7th mission trip to Ethiopia since we began our partnership in 2005.

We will spend 6 days visiting our various mission partners in Ethiopia: Onesimus Ministries in Addis Ababa and the four schools that we support in the western highlands of Ethiopia, all in Dembi Dollo: Berhane Yesus Elementary School (BYES), Bethel Evangelical Secondary School (BESS), Bethel Tulama Elementary School, and Gidada Theological College.

Our days will be stimulating as we participate in amazing worship, immerse ourselves in Ethiopian culture, learn of the joys and hardships of the Ethiopian people, and visit classrooms where we connect with students, teachers, and leaders of each of the ministries. It’s a wonderful opportunity to see and share in the life of our Ethiopian brothers and sisters and learn how we can better serve their needs.

Because we want to go during the dry season when school is in session, we are targeting the months of February, March, or April, with participants choosing the most convenient travel dates. We anticipate the trip to take 10 or 11 days total including two weekends (5 days travel; 6 days on the ground with our partners).

Prayerfully consider if God is calling you to participate in this mission. To learn more, please contact Jerry Swam Sidi, Peggy Hill, or fill out an interest form here.

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Peggy Hill Peggy Hill

December Mission Focus

During the month of December, our special offering goes towards the Minister’s Discretionary Fund. Contributions to this fund have a huge impact assisting the local community as well as other special projects that may arise…

During the month of December, our special offering collected goes towards the Minister’s Discretionary Fund. Contributions to this fund have a huge impact assisting the local community as well as other special projects that may arise. This is perhaps the broadest reaching fund that FPC is able to utilize. Whenever needs arise in the community or church that may not fall into an existing support fund category, the Minister’s Discretionary Fund can help fill in the gaps.

Your contributions have a lasting impact throughout the entire year to come. If you feel led to contribute to this fund, we encourage you to give online to the “Minister's Discretionary Fund” in the dropdown menu on our GIVE page. If you prefer to give by check, please note “Christmas Offering for MDF” on the memo line. The entire offering collected during the Christmas Eve Candlelight Service will go towards this special offering.

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Peggy Hill Peggy Hill

Christmas Poinsettias

Lovely poinsettias always enhance the beauty of our Advent and Christmas worship services. Given by our members in honor or in memory of a loved one, they are a wonderful way to celebrate the birth of the One who gives meaning to our lives. If you’d like to order poinsettias, please fill out the form below, attach payment and return it by Wednesday, December 4…

Lovely poinsettias always enhance the beauty of our Advent and Christmas worship services. Given by our members in honor or in memory of a loved one, they are a wonderful way to celebrate the birth of the One who gives meaning to our lives. If you’d like to order poinsettias, please fill out the form below, attach payment and return it by Wednesday, December 4.

See more information or order online

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Peggy Hill Peggy Hill

Men’s Breakfast

The monthly men’s breakfast will be at 7:30 a.m. on Saturday morning, November 16, in the Chapel. All men in our community are invited. 

Join us for Bristol area’s Men’s Fellowship Breakfast that happens the third Saturday of each month

Saturday, November 16, at 7:30 am - DON’T MISS IT!

Meetings are held at First Presbyterian Church of Bristol

All men are welcome

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Peggy Hill Peggy Hill

November Mission Focus: Disaster Relief

FPC’s monthly mission focus for November is continuing support for Hurricane Helene Disaster Relief. 

In recognition of the long-term needs now facing our neighboring communities, your donations will help our church’s ongoing efforts to provide relief to area victims of Hurricane Helene and to help with rebuilding efforts …

FPC’s monthly mission focus for November is for Disaster Relief. In recognition of the long-term needs now facing our neighboring communities, your donations will help our church’s ongoing efforts to provide relief to area victims of Hurricane Helene and to help with rebuilding efforts through Christian organizations identified as reliable sources.

Appalachia Service Project and Holston Habitat for Humanity are currently recruiting volunteers. For other ways to be involved, individuals, families, or groups can volunteer to help in our region through Volunteer United or Appalachian Relief Coordination.

Assistance provided to those in need to date:

  • On Wednesday Oct. 2, a few of our FPC volunteer missionaries (members) woke up early and made casseroles to feed 200 first responders in Greenville, TN. Geneva King and Jerry Swam Sidi delivered those casseroles to help sustain emergency responders during that first week.

  • On Monday, Oct. 7, John Vann, Marguerite Buckley and Jerry Swam Sidi delivered baked spaghetti casseroles to Roan Mountain, bringing a hot meal for 300 people.

  • Please note: Items that were collected early in the disaster relief process (such as water, diapers, wipes, personal hygiene products, pet food, etc.) have been delivered to those in need; however, due to the outpouring of love in our area, that particular need has been met.

    See additional details about how FPC has been involved here.

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Peggy Hill Peggy Hill

Coats for Kids

New or gently used coats are needed for this year’s Coats for Kids event. All donations are due by October 25 for distribution to the community on November 2…

Coat Donations Due Friday, October 25

Over the years, we have partnered with King University to make donations for the Coats for Kids event. For all those who want to help kids in our community stay warm during winter, there are two large boxes (one in the narthex and one by the fellowship hall welcome table) for you to donate coats. The last day for collecting coats will be October 25th.

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Peggy Hill Peggy Hill

Interest Groups

There are four areas where there is common interest in the congregation for fellowship and connection:

Games, Walking/Hiking, Gardening, Cooking

We are hosting a Phase One, exploratory session for these groups on Sunday, October 20th at 4:00 pm...

There are four areas where there is common interest in the congregation for fellowship and connection:

Games Walking/Hiking Gardening Cooking

We are hosting a Phase One, exploratory session for these groups on Sunday, October 20th at 4:00 pm! We will gather into the groups with an open house format to explore and exchange contacts and enjoy fellowship together. If you're a beginner or greatly experienced in any of these areas, come join us!

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Peggy Hill Peggy Hill

October Mission Focus: Fairmount

Trunk or Treat at Fairmount

On October 24, our church will again participate in the annual Trunk or Treat event for Fairmount Elementary School in the school parking lot. You are invited to bring lots of Halloween candy to the church during the month of October to use during this year’s Trunk or Treat for the kids at Fairmount.

Trunk or Treat at Fairmount

On October 24, our church will again participate in the annual Trunk or Treat event for Fairmount Elementary School in the school parking lot. You are invited to bring lots of Halloween candy to the church during the month of October to use during this year’s Trunk or Treat for the kids at Fairmount.

You are also invited to decorate your vehicle trunk and come in costume to have lots of FUN! (More news on this coming soon!)

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Peggy Hill Peggy Hill

Sunday Study Opportunities

Come join us between worship services (10:20 - 11:50) for some additional learning and fellowship opportunities being offered for adults...

Come join us between worship services (10:20 - 10:50) for some additional learning and fellowship opportunities being offered for adults:

A new Adult Sunday school class will begin meeting in Room 123 beginning September 29 with rotating discussion leaders (Kevin Buck, John Graham, and Chase Arndt). The group will be studying the book of Matthew with a discussion guide by N.T. Wright

Adult Bible study in the chapel with Rev. Tim Meredith

The Friendship Class meets in room 165 with our special adults from our community

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Peggy Hill Peggy Hill

Troop 3 Annual Yard Sale

DONATE items to support the TROOP 3 ANNUAL YARD SALE!

Troop 3 will be accepting donations for their Annual Yard Sale starting Sunday September 22 to Thursday September 26.  Donations can be brought to the first classroom on the left as you enter Scout Hall door.  

Gently used clothing, shoes, household items, linens, gardening supplies, outdoor gear are all welcome.  Unfortunately, they are not able to accept ...

TROOP 3 ANNUAL YARD SALE will be Saturday, September 28, 2024, from 8AM to 12PM at First Presbyterian Church in the back parking lot.

Troop 3 will be accepting donations for their Annual Yard Sale starting Sunday September 22 to Thursday September 26.  Donations can be brought to the first classroom on the left as you enter Scout Hall door.  

Gently used clothing, shoes, household items, linens, gardening supplies, outdoor gear are all welcome.  Unfortunately, they are not able to accept TVs, stuffed animals, mattresses, couches/heavy furniture, particle board/pressed wood furniture, nor oversized workout equipment.  

Any questions regarding items for donation can be addressed to Chad McCracken at or 423-677-5282.   If you are unable to bring donations to the church, please let Chad know.

Donations will be accepted during these times:

  • Sunday September 22 - 2.30pm to 5pm

  • Monday September 23 - 6pm to 8pm

  • Tuesday September 24 - 6pm to 8pm

  • Wednesday September 25 - 6pm to 8pm

  • Thursday September 26 - 6pm to 8pm

Pre-sale shopping will be offered to the FPC church family on Thursday September 26, 2024, from 5P to 6P in appreciation for all the support received throughout the year!!

“Thank you so much for your continued support of Troop 3, we are blessed to have you as our church family.”  

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Peggy Hill Peggy Hill

Serving our Downtown Neighbors

FPC is scheduled to serve at A Place to Be on Wednesday September 18 and Sharing Christ on Saturday September 21. We plan to serve 75 guests at each venue.

FPC is scheduled to serve at A Place to Be on Wednesday 9/13 and Sharing Christ on Saturday September 21. Our main dish will be hashbrown and chicken casserole (click HERE for the recipe). Sides will include green beans, applesauce and rolls.  Currently, the ministry provides lunches to send with those who come to worship on Sunday, which is usually 20. We’ll plan to serve 75 guests at each venue. If you can help in any way, whether contributing meal components or helping to serve, please contact Beth Flannagan or Becca Tate. Your contributions are welcome in whatever form.

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Peggy Hill Peggy Hill

Be a Reading Buddy

Reading Buddies is gearing up for another school year. Thirty minutes of your time each week at Fairmount Elementary School will make a huge difference in the life of the student you will partner with!

Reading Buddies is gearing up for another school year. This is a unique opportunity for community members to support and inspire kindergarten, first, and second grade students on their reading journey. Thirty minutes of your time will make a huge difference in the life of the elementary student you will partner with! Reading Buddies help ensure that young learners enter third grade reading on grade level with a love for learning. New mentors are welcome in all BTCS elementary schools, and no previous teaching experience is required! As Kay explains, it's not just about teaching someone to read - it's about being a friend to a young person, being someone who cares. Please email Kay Ward to let her know you want to be part of this important program with Bristol Tennessee City Schools.

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Peggy Hill Peggy Hill

Small Group Time with your Church Officers

FPC's Session of Elders, have scheduled a series of small group meetings, or Listening Sessions, for the purpose of providing congregants an opportunity to share reactions, express feelings and thoughts, and ask questions about the recent transition of our pastor. If you would like to share, plan to attend one or more of the 1-hour meetings.

Greetings Church Family, 

In a recent correspondence from your Session of Elders, members were informed that a series of small group meetings, or what we are calling Listening Sessions, would be scheduled. The purpose of these meetings is to provide an opportunity for congregants to share reactions, express feelings and thoughts, and ask questions about the recent transition of our pastor. Simply stated, it will be much like a church family meeting, which will be a time for us to listen to one another and process what has transpired.

The four dates below have been selected for the initial Listening Sessions: 

September 8 @ 2:00 pm

September 22 @ 5:00 pm

September 29 @ 2:00 pm

October 6 @ 5:00 pm

On each of the dates, there will be 4-7 groups meeting simultaneously at the church. These Listening Sessions will last for approximately one hour, all with the same format. There will be 2 or 3 elders facilitating each of the groups, which will be limited to 10 or less congregants. Please understand that no decisions will be made at these meetings. Your Session of Elders will be there for the sole purpose of listening to you. 

Please rest assured that we are devoted to providing a constructive and safe place to share, so that you will be considered and heard. There will be clear group guidelines that all participants will be asked to follow. follow. If childcare is needed for any of the meetings, please notify the church office at least two church business days in advance (Wednesday prior to the Sunday meeting). These Listening Sessions are but one step in fostering a time of healing and offering a healthy way forward as we live out our mission here at First Presbyterian Church of Bristol, “As a community being made whole by God, we love, serve, and grow through Jesus.” 

We will keep praying for you. Please pray for us as we seek ways to support you, bringing us all closer to our Lord and each other. May God bless us all, His children, with His bountiful grace and wisdom during this time. 

Yours in Christ, 

Session of Elders: Ann Abel, Catherine Bell, Aaron Brooks, Jackie Burt, Barb Duncan, Ron Fox, Fred Harkleroad, Peggy Hill, Alison Meredith, Matt Peltier, Deidre Pendley, Rush Powers, Charlie Taylor, John Vann, Charles Webb, Anna Booher

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Peggy Hill Peggy Hill

September Mission Focus

The mission focus for the month of September will be Spurgeon Hope Ministries Nigeria. Your financial donations will go towards:

  • Supporting retired pastors who cannot work and whose pensions are insufficient for their needs

  • Providing food and medical assistance to widows and orphans and Christians fleeing persecution

  • Feeding senior members of the community and family members of pastors and others who have been martyred for their faith.

The mission focus for the month of September is Spurgeon Hope Ministries Nigeria.

Your financial donations will go towards:

  • Supporting retired pastors who cannot work and whose pensions are insufficient for their needs

  • Providing food and medical assistance to widows and orphans and Christians fleeing persecution

  • Feeding senior members of the community and family members of pastors and others who have been martyred for their faith.

Rev. Dr. Nehemiah Maji and his family were frequently threatened by terrorists, and they were forced to go into hiding. Since then, they have been granted asylum in the United States.

Spurgeon Hope ministry continues to be a strong organization, and the Maji’s continue to coordinate efforts with Spurgeon Hope Ministry Nigeria and its board, as well as raise awareness here in the United States about the plight of Nigerian Christians and the persecuted church in Northern Nigeria.

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Peggy Hill Peggy Hill

Fall 2024 Home Groups

The Fall 2024Home Group study series entitled “Jesus Is…” has now concluded. If you would like to use this series for your personal, individual study, you may access it here.

The Fall 2024 Home Group study series entitled “Jesus Is…” has now concluded. If you would like to use this series for your personal, individual study, you may access it here.

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Peggy Hill Peggy Hill

Congregational Meeting

There will be a congregational meeting immediately following the 9:00 am service on Sunday, August 25 in the Fellowship Hall. All members are urged to attend this important meeting.

There will be a congregational meeting immediately following the 9:00 am service on Sunday, August 25 in the Fellowship Hall. The purpose of the meeting is to vote on the terms of dissolution of the call between our congregation and Pastor Sam Weddington, whose resignation was effective as of August 3, 2024. All members are urged to attend this important meeting.

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Peggy Hill Peggy Hill

Come Sing with Us!

Come sing with us! The choir is a welcoming place for all singers, young and old. Rehearsals are on Wednesdays at 7:15 pm beginning August 14.

The Sanctuary Choir will resume weekly rehearsals on Wednesdays at 7:15 pm beginning August 14. The choir is a welcoming place for all singers, young and old. We would love to start our year with You!

If you have an interest in or any questions about the choir, email Pat Flannagan.

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Peggy Hill Peggy Hill

Come and Pray

On Wednesdays at 7:15 p.m., the chapel will be open for a time of prayer. Everyone is invited!

On Wednesdays at 10:00 a.m. and 7:15 p.m., the chapel will be open for a time of prayer. Everyone is invited!

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