August Mission Focus
Our special offering for the month of August will focus on Brothers for Christ Community Response house for men (BCCR) and Harmony & Hope House (HHH) for women.
The primary focus of each is to assist men and women who are returning to society from incarceration, rehabilitation, or some other form of confinement to become and remain productive, contributing, Christ-centered members of our community.
Our special offering for the month of August will focus on Brothers for Christ Community Response house for men (BCCR) and Harmony & Hope House (HHH) for women. The primary focus of each is to assist men and women who are returning to society from incarceration, rehabilitation, or some other form of confinement to become and remain productive, contributing, Christ-centered members of our community.
Your financial donations will help support this vital community program that is assisting those who need a leg up to be successful in society. BCCR/HHH ministries consist of:
Reentry and recovery
Feeding the homeless and less fortunate
Assisting the senior members of the community
Jail and prison outreach
Life coaching and consulting
Separate men’s and women’s sober living houses (Gray House/Harmony & Hope House)
BCCR is an organization founded by Rev. Steven L. Davis, Sr., Min. Cornelius D. Studifin and Lillian K. Davis in 2003. The vision came to Rev. Davis while incarcerated in Ohio in 1997. At this time, he was in the grips of addiction, contemplating suicide, and lying on a cold concrete floor in the county jail.
He was sentenced to the minimal time, and he used this time to prepare for his release. Though he did not know it at the time he was only gaining head knowledge and not the application (heart knowledge) of what he was studying. The thought of creating a sustainable outreach ministry that would assist those who found themselves in like situations was his goal, thus the birthing of Brothers for Christ Community Response (BCCR).
July Mission Focus
During the month of July, we will be collecting donations of School Supplies for Fairmount Elementary School…
During the month of July, we will be collecting donations of School Supplies for Fairmount Elementary School…
Paper towels
Student scissors
Composition notebooks (not the wire bound notebook)
Glue sticks
Clorox disinfecting wipes
Ziplock bags
Expo markers
5-subject Star notebooks
3-ring binder w/pockets
Pocket folders- Blue or Yellow with 3-prong fasteners
Thank you for supporting our neighbors in need!
VBS July 14-16
Volunteers and Children - Sign Up Today!
This year at First Pres Bristol’s SCUBA Vacation Bible School we will take kids deep into an amazing undersea adventure where they’ll experience the ever-flowing, never-ending love of God. Kids will be immersed in God’s Word as they dive into friendship with God.
Scuba VBS is July 14-16, 5:30-8:15 p.m.
Wednesday, July 17 - Celebration and hot dog dinner at 5:30 p.m.
This year at First Pres Bristol’s SCUBA Vacation Bible School we will take kids deep into an amazing undersea adventure where they’ll experience the ever-flowing, never-ending love of God. Kids will be immersed in God’s Word as they dive into friendship with God.
Scuba VBS is July 14-16, 5:30-8:15 p.m.
Wednesday, July 17 — closing celebration and hot dog dinner at 5:30 p.m.
Use this link to register kids ages three to completed fifth grade. Adults and middle schoolers and high schoolers can use the link to register to volunteer! Register today to ensure you get a t-shirt!!
June Mission Focus
Montana Indian Ministries brings God's message to Montana's Native American peoples while supporting and encouraging their rich heritage and culture. This summer they will be hosting hundreds of children in their annual Summer Camps, and we invite you to help sponsor these fun, enlightening, and life-changing opportunities to learn about the love of Christ for each of them.
Montana Indian Ministries brings God's message to Montana's Native American peoples while supporting and encouraging their rich heritage and culture. This summer they will be hosting hundreds of children in their annual Summer Camps, and we invite you to help sponsor these fun, enlightening, and life-changing opportunities to learn about the love of Christ for each of them.
Any money collected will be used to help the ministry meet its food costs for the camps this summer. The cost for food and operation is around $8,000 for two weeks of camp. We will take up donations throughout the month of June, with an in-person collection the last Sunday of the month.
Camps offered: Bible School, specialized teenage basketball, soccer, youth cultural camp, and wrestling clinics. Pastor Bruce also offers special week-long sessions for foster parents on the reservation, helping equip them to meet the special challenges they will face. There is an enormous number of foster children on the reservation due to a myriad of issues, and of course, there aren't enough foster parents. Pastor Bruce and his ministry team's mission is to help meet the needs of these children.
You may give online or make use of the church's special envelopes and write a note accompanying your offering to designate it for the Montana Indian Ministry. However you determine to give, please give generously because God is doing great work through this ministry.
Please visit the website for Montana Indian Ministries for more information.
View Pastor Bruce Plummer as he talks about his miraculous call and ministry.
Prayer: June Study Series
If My People Will Pray…
We will spend the entire month of June studying and reflecting on the topic of prayer. The study will be the topic of our worship services as well as the children’s and adult’s ministries for the month. We will also come together on Wednesday mornings at 10:30am and Wednesday evenings at 7:00 pm to pray as a community. We are excited about this program and look forward to the ways God will use it to bless our community…
Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. -1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
We will spend the entire month of June studying and reflecting on the topic of prayer. The children’s ministry will have a specially tailored program for kids on prayer, and Adult Ministries will do a five-week study on the topic entitled, “If My People Will Pray.” We will follow the guidelines given in that study to also lead our reflection on Scripture each week during worship, followed by a Sunday Adult Bible Study in the chapel from 10:20am to 10:50am. We will also have regular volunteers who will be at the church on Wednesday mornings at 10:30am and Wednesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. in the chapel to bring us together to pray as a community. We are excited about this program and look forward to the ways God will use it to bless our community.
The new series uses of the A.C.T.S. model. ACTS stands for adoration, confession, thanksgiving, and supplication. In essence, for those who might be unsure what prayer should be in our daily lives, or for those who are looking to refresh this part of their life as disciples, the ACTS model gives us a guide that faithfully models prayer for everyone. We hope all will consider taking part in the study, the prayer session, and reflect on all this during our worship services.
Prayer is inextricably tied to joy. In 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, Paul commands the community to rejoice always and pray continually. Prayer isn’t treating God like a cosmic vending machine who will give us what we want when we want it. Prayer, first and foremost, roots us in what God is doing and gives us the place to come to grips with God’s will for our lives. In light of God’s sovereignty, we can rejoice in all circumstances, good or bad, through prayer because we are asking that God give us the strength to persevere. This makes complete sense of how Paul then goes on to tell the community to “give thanks in all circumstances.”
Prayer, grounded in adoration, confession, thanksgiving, and supplication, not only allows us to grow in trust, allows us to see our part in what God is doing in Jesus. We know well that God’s intention in Christ is to reconcile the world to God’s self (2 Corinthians 5:19). Here, prayer teaches us not only to trust God in Christ in all circumstances, but that through us, through our suffering or our triumphs, God will be glorified, and we will be taken up into this work of reconciliation.
Please plan to join us in June for this study. We pray you will be blessed.
May Mission Focus: Young Life
For our May special mission focus, we are accepting offerings to help YoungLife here in Bristol. We are blessed to have this powerful resource in our community and we want to support their work in helping young people from middle school through high school encounter the risen Lord…
This month for our special mission focus, we will be raising funds to help YoungLife and their mission here in Bristol. Many of you know the leadership of YoungLife Bristol who attend our church, and others have been intimately involved in volunteer work with them. We are blessed to have them in our midst. If you have been involved with YoungLife, you know what a powerful resource organization they are in helping young people encounter the risen Lord.
YoungLife Bristol’s three-part mission statement:
Kids around the world are searching for home, meaning, and belonging.
We get in it with them and accept them as they are.
Kids have the chance to live life to the fullest.
I like this because it acknowledges the reality on the ground for all of our young people. There are so many influences like home life, substance abuse, virtual/e-culture, and the increasing sense of isolation and alienation we all feel these days that can drag kids into pretty dark places. That there are loving volunteers and workers for Christ willing to come alongside kids at an already difficult time to help them navigate these problems, and most importantly, point them to Jesus, is something for which we should give thanks to God.
That said, we shouldn’t forget that the more things change, they remain the same. There were tremendous pressures (cultural, religious, economic, etc.) in the ancient world that made the spread of the Gospel seem impossible. Yet, in the midst of those challenges, God empowered folks like Peter to stand up, as he did on Pentecost, to announce the news that Jesus is risen, Jesus is Messiah, and Jesus is Lord over all. He is Lord over our brokenness. He is Lord over our difficulties. He is Lord. To that end, the promises on offer in him are for everyone, even our children. In fact, you can read Peter’s words in verse 39 as a promise that the further off someone seems from the Gospel, the closer they will come as God calls them to Himself.
YoungLife is part of the kingdom-oriented project, and we invite you to come alongside them and support their work. We will take up donations throughout the month of May, with an in-person collection the last Sunday of the month. You can give online, or you can use the special envelopes at the church or write a note to accompany your offering designating it for YoungLife. However you determine to give, give generously because God is doing a great work through this ministry.
Ordination of Justin Miller
Let’s Celebrate with Justin!
The ordination of Justin Miller will begin Wednesday, April 24th at 6:15pm right after Wednesday night meal and will take place in the Sanctuary. Everyone is invited to attend and celebrate with him and his wife this momentous event.
The ordination of Justin Miller will begin Wednesday, April 24th at 6:15pm right after Wednesday night meal and will take place in the Sanctuary. Everyone is invited to attend and celebrate with him and his wife this momentous event.
Interest Survey
The FPC Community Fellowship Team (CFT) is looking for ways to foster fellowship by connecting folks with similar interests.
To do this, an Interest Survey has been developed and can be accessed here or by pointing your smart phone’s camera at the QR code on the graphic…
The FPC Community Fellowship Team (CFT) is looking for ways to foster fellowship by connecting folks with similar interests.
To do this, an Interest Survey has been developed and can be accessed here or by opening the camera app on your smart phone and aiming it at the QR code on the graphic.
The survey asks that participants list up to four personal interests. Then, based on sufficient mutual responses from others, the CFT will organize groups that can explore, exchange information, and participate together.
This is only an interest survey. By filling out the survey you are not committing to anything. Please indicate your preferred communication method so you can be notified when/if a group that matches your interest(s) gets created.
— Another way to Be Engaged with your brothers and sisters in Christ at FPC! —
Men’s Breakfast
Saturday, April 20, at 7:30 am - DON’T MISS IT!
Meetings are held at First Presbyterian Church of Bristol.
All men are welcome.
Join us for Bristol area’s Men’s Fellowship Breakfast that happens the third Saturday of each month.
Saturday, April 20, at 7:30 am - DON’T MISS IT!
Meetings are held at First Presbyterian Church of Bristol.
All men are welcome.
Senior Legacy Letters
We look forward to celebrating our seniors on May 12 in our senior led worship services. One of the ways we are honoring and celebrating our seniors is by collecting Legacy Letters …
Due May 10
A collection of the sweetest words...
We look forward to celebrating our seniors on May 12 in our senior led worship services. One of the ways we are honoring and celebrating our seniors is by collecting Legacy Letters to give to them on this Sunday.
Legacy Letters are written by family and friends and describe ways in which the senior has impacted the writer’s life. Letters can share old memories, stories, lessons learned, or significant moments. This is a wonderful opportunity to encourage the senior in their faith and future plans as well as to acknowledge the beautiful gifts God has given them.
Our hope is that the Legacy Letters will give family and friends an opportunity to share the incredible impact the seniors have had on those around them. The letters will be a beautiful collection of love and truth that the seniors can read as they begin a new journey after high school and serve as a reminder of the incredible community they have cheering them on in their journey!
All letters need to be collected and turned in by May 10. Send them to the church office or email to
Spring Cleaning Day April 20
Spring cleaning help is on the way!
Volunteers from the church will gather at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, April 20 in the church parking lot and disperse to help members of the congregation …
Spring cleaning help is on the way!
Volunteers from the church will gather at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, April 20 in the church parking lot and disperse to help members of the congregation clean gutters, change smoke alarm batteries and light bulbs, clear yard debris, and perform other rites of spring.
It won't be fun without you! Volunteers are asked to bring ladders, gloves, rakes, and other tools they might need.
To volunteer or to request assistance, please contact Dave Welch at or sign up here.
April Mission Focus
Team Zambia will be traveling to beautiful Sub-Saharan Africa May 15-29, 2024. During April’s Mission Focus, you are invited to support this trip through your prayers and contributions of kids and adult soccer clothing, soccer balls, and Bibles…
Team Zambia will be traveling to beautiful Sub-Saharan Africa May 15-29, 2024.
This will be Catherine and Mark Bell’s 8th mission trip to Zambia in their 13-year partnership with the Christian Non-Government Organization (NGO) called the Phoebe Foundation Africa (PFA). The Bells fell in love with the culture, the people, and the churches and are in awe of the spiritual maturity of their friends and leaders that live in this amazing part of the world.
PFA is a Christ-centered ministry that is led by Pastor Chris & Phoebe Chanda, who are a Zambian couple that have devoted their lives to serve in 10 villages throughout the entire country of Zambia. Their central mission is to serve the most vulnerable population in this African country, which are children who do not have adequate access to healthcare, shelter, education, food, and clean water. They have been orphaned due to losing one or both parents to various illnesses like malaria, tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, Covid, and cholera.
PFA strives to exude the love of Christ and empower the citizens within each village with life-sustaining resources, encouragement, and collaborative support. The Chanda’s pray for partnerships with churches like ours in the United States. First Presbyterian Church is honored to invest in this impactful ministry that is part of transforming lives every day in a way that has eternal significance.
This year PFA is in need of the following items that Team Zambia will take with them:
Gently used or new soccer shorts & shirts for children and adults (mostly small & medium, with some large sizes)
Deflated soccer balls
Bibles to be distributed
Moreover, the team requests your prayers for:
Safe travel and growing relationships in Christ
The 3 counseling conferences that will be lead with Catherine’s expertise
The soccer ministries that Mark will conduct where the gospel will be shared with many orphaned children
The feeding programs that provide balanced meals
Home visits
Church services that Team Zambia will attend.
Donation bins will be available at the entrances to both worship services for your convenience. Thanks so much for helping meet the needs of our friends in this majestic part of God's Kingdom!
Letters for Confirmands
We are collecting letters for our Confirmands and would love for you to be part of their great cloud of witnesses…
Deadline: May 1
We are collecting letters for our Confirmands and would love for you to be part of their great cloud of witnesses!
Since September 2022, these confirmation students have participated in weekly classes that have taught, informed, encouraged and challenged their faith. Watching them grow over the past two years and take ownership of their faith has been a joy and an inspiration!
On Sunday, May 5, 2024, the confirmation students will have the opportunity to proclaim their faith to our church family and become members of First Presbyterian Church. As we prepare for this special day, we are asking friends and family to send in cards and letters of spiritual encouragement to our confirmands. Letters are not limited to, but could include a story or memory, something about your own faith or ways your life has been impacted by knowing this student. We invited you to speak love and truth that will spur them on in their faith. The kind words you share will not only encourage them as they prepare to be confirmed but also be kept for years as a reminder that they are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses that will love, guide, and encourage them as they continue to run the race. (Hebrews 12:1-2).
Confirmation Class of 2024
Joel Galliher
Josh Galliher
Mollee McClain
Moses Ong
Charlotte Osborne
Marissa Smith
Penn Story
If you would like to participate, please mail, email ( or deliver all cards and letters by May 1st to:
First Presbyterian Church
Attn.: Katie Arnold
701 Florida Avenue
Bristol, TN 37620
Thank you for joining us as we celebrate this important and exciting time in the lives of our students! Contact Katie Arnold with any questions.
March Mission Focus: Shabach Beyond Center Nigeria
With God’s blessing through March’s special mission offering, we can help complete and furnish the Shabach Beyond Center Nigeria that began in August of last year when your donations provided funds to dig a well that now affords life-giving, clean water to over 20,000 people. The Center’s grand opening is slated for this summer. Let’s help Jerry and Rachel Swam Sidi finish this project!
The work at Shabach Beyond Center Nigeria began in August of last year when your donations helped dig a well that provides life-giving, clean water to over 20,000 people in the Ungwan Boro community in Kaduna State, Nigeria. In addition, your support at that time provided for the initial steps in remodeling Jerry and Rachel Swam Sidi’s home that will serve as the Center. When completed, the Shabach Center will be (1) a training center for worship leaders who will then return to their various churches to point their congregations to the risen King Jesus; (2) a recording studio for Christian worship music; and (3) Christian housing for already adopted orphans, who will be taken care of by a full-time, paid housemother who will live on the property.
With God’s blessing through this month’s special mission offering, we can help complete and furnish the Center in time for its grand opening this summer. We invite you to be a part of this exciting work.
February Mission Focus
In the spirit of love and community, our Mission & Outreach Committee has recognized this month's mission offering, focusing on extending a helping hand to those in need during the chilly winter months. We invite you to participate in an opportunity to give 'in kind' donations of physical items that will bring warmth and comfort to those facing the cold, as well as snacks for those who are hungry…
Jesus reminds us in Matthew 25:35-36, "For I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty, and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger, and you invited me in, I needed clothes, and you clothed me, I was sick, and you looked after me, I was in prison, and you came to visit me." Through our 'in kind' offerings, we embody these words, extending our love to those experiencing vulnerability and adversity.
In the spirit of love and community, our Mission & Outreach Committee has recognized this month's mission offering, focusing on extending a helping hand to those in need during the chilly winter months. As a church family, we recognize the power we have to make a meaningful impact when we come together to support our local ministries. This month, we invite you to participate in an opportunity to give 'in kind' donations of physical items that will bring warmth and comfort to those facing the cold, as well as snacks for those who are hungry.
In collaboration with two local ministries, A Place to Be and Haven of Rest, our goal is to provide essential items that will make a significant difference in the lives of individuals navigating the challenges of winter. Instead of monetary donations, we are seeking offerings of individually wrapped snacks, gloves, and hats. To facilitate your generous contributions, collection bins will be placed outside the sanctuary and fellowship hall. For those who wish to tailor their donations to the specific needs of Haven of Rest, a document listing their current requirements will be available alongside the collection bins. This ensures that our contributions align with the immediate needs of the ministry, maximizing the impact of our collective generosity.
Rise Against Hunger — Feb 4
Join us February 4 as we pack 10,000 meals for hungry folks in distressed areas of the world. We'll be meeting in the fellowship hall at 1:30 pm. Register online here.
The Rise Against Hunger organization distributes food relief meals of vitamin and mineral-enriched rice, soy protein and dehydrated vegetables across 6 continents and 37 countries…
Rise Against Hunger Registration
You are invited to join us February 4 as we pack 10,000 meals for hungry folks in distressed areas of the world. We'll be meeting in the fellowship hall at 1:30 pm. Registration is open now.
The Rise Against Hunger organization distributes food relief meals of vitamin and mineral-enriched rice, soy protein and dehydrated vegetables across 6 continents and 37 countries, including Ukraine, Cambodia, Ghana, Haiti, Madagascar, and many others. Some meals will travel to school feeding programs, providing essential nutrition to help children in areas of food insecurity. Provision of these meals also encourages students to attend school more regularly and perform to their best potential without suffering from empty stomachs. Other meals are used for food crisis relief in areas that have experienced natural disasters, political strife, armed conflict, or other local emergencies. Please support this mission effort by donating this month's offering or volunteering to help package meals together in the Fellowship Hall on February 4th!
Wear comfortable clothes that can get a little dusty, just in case some of the vitamin powder gets spilled. Anyone who wants to hang around after worship can bring a sack lunch to eat in the parlor before we get started.
Everyone who participates MUST register online at
Questions? Need help registering? Contact Sarah Gannaway at
Home Groups, Spring 2024
The spring semester 2024 Home Groups have now concluded. The curriculum for our study was based on scripture that is the focus of our church’s vision statements. You can access and use previous material for personal study here…
The spring semester 2024 Home Groups have now concluded. The curriculum for our study was based on scripture that is the focus of our church’s vision statements. You can access and use previous material for personal study here.
Serve Orlando Mission Trip
Join FPC on an intergenerational summer adventure to Orlando, Florida to serve and play! Departing from the church on June 22, the group will head down to Orlando, Florida for a week of missions, beach, and Orlando fun. Experience the richness of working along side people of all ages and building new relationships within our church family…
Join FPC on an intergenerational summer adventure to Orlando, Florida to serve and play! Departing from the church on June 22, the group will head down to Orlando, Florida for a week of missions, beach, and Orlando fun. Experience the richness of working along side people of all ages and building new relationships within our church family. Participants will have the opportunity to serve with different ministries around Orlando. Each day is full of new opportunities and mission experiences.
The group will be housed in dormitories at Forest Lake Academy. Meals will also be provided by the academy. The week will include beach time and an optional day at Universal Studios! We will return home June 29.
The schedule will be flexible for families who are attending. We want it to be a rich and enjoyable experience for all!
This is an event you won’t want to miss!
January Mission Focus: Bethel Tulama Elementary School
One of our Ethiopia school partners, Bethel Tulama Elementary School, has informed us that they desperately need instructional materials at all grade levels.
Let’s work together to support this worthy cause. A small contribution goes a long way in Ethiopia. The students, staff, and parents are always so grateful for any support that we send.
Bethel Tulama Elementary School, Ethiopia
Bethel Tulama Elementary School was established in 2012 to provide a quality Christian education for children of the Bethel Tulama Church in Dembi Dollo, Ethiopia. This ambitious undertaking began with kindergarten classes and has now expanded through grade 8.
Most recently, the school has informed us that they desperately need instructional materials at all grade levels. Let’s work together to support this worthy cause. A small contribution goes a long way in Ethiopia. The students, staff, and parents are always so grateful for any support that we send.
Great Escape
Great Escape is a camp for middle schoolers (rising 6th - 8th) to breakaway, grow, learn and have the best week of their life! Get ready for a week of high energy games, engaging speakers and an awesome worship band…
Great Escape
July 22 - 27
Students: Current 5th grade - 8th grade
Great Escape is a camp for middle schoolers (rising 6th - 8th) to breakaway, grow, learn and have the best week of their life! Get ready for a week of high energy games, engaging speakers and an awesome worship band.
First Pres will be attending the Smokies location, held at the Ocoee Retreat Center in Ocoee, TN. The group will depart Monday, July 22 and return Saturday, July 27. Mornings include breakfast, quiet times and recreation. Afternoons include lunch, recreation, free time, small groups and an afternoon session! Evenings include dinner, evening sessions, counselor meetings, and aftermaths.
This is an event you won’t want to miss!
More information and online registration form