Peggy Hill Peggy Hill

Women’s Retreat

FPC's Women's Retreat will be February 9 - 10 at King University. Come share in precious fellowship, important learning, rich worship, and delicious food! Registration is now open. Sign up by Feb 2.

Join us Friday February 9th, 6:00 pm-9:30 pm and Saturday February 10th, 8:00 am-3:30 pm for the annual FPC Women’s Retreat.

We will meet at King University Chapel and Dining Hall for Worship, Scripture, Reflection, Fellowship, Food!

Our speaker is Laura Hicks Hardy, sharing on the topic of Sabbath Rest. Invite your friends and family who might enjoy this time of rest, rejuvenation and friendship.

Register online here or fill out a paper registration form at church. The total cost is $75, which includes 3 meals and all retreat materials. A $25 deposit due by February 2 to hold your spot. Scholarships are available.

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Peggy Hill Peggy Hill

Advent Caroling

Join us Sunday, December 10th at 3:30 pm at the church for an afternoon of festive cheer as we carol through the neighborhood. We hope to see you there!

Join us Sunday, December 10th at 3:30 pm at the church for an afternoon of festive cheer as we carol through the neighborhood. We’ll be singing traditional Christmas carols, so be sure to prepare your voices and your smiles! Bring warm clothes (it might be chilly!) and a festive spirit. We hope to see you there!

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Peggy Hill Peggy Hill

December Mission Focus - MDF

Minister’s Discretionary Fund

During the month of December, our special offering collected goes towards the Minister’s Discretionary Fund. Contributions to this fund have a huge impact assisting the local community as well as other special projects that may arise. Your contributions have a lasting impact …

Minister’s Discretionary Fund

During the month of December, our special offering collected goes towards the Minister’s Discretionary Fund. Contributions to this fund have a huge impact assisting the local community as well as other special projects that may arise.

Over the last few years, this fund has assisted with projects such as air purifier distribution and the Kentucky flood relief supplies. This is perhaps the most broad reaching fund that FPC is able to utilize. Whenever needs arise in the community or church that may not fall into an existing support fund category, the Minister’s Discretionary Fund can help fill in the gaps. Your contributions have a lasting impact throughout the entire year to come.

If you feel led to contribute to this fund, we encourage you to give online to the “Christmas Offering for MDF” in the dropdown menu on our GIVE page. If you prefer to give by check, please note “Christmas Offering for MDF” on the memo line. We will not pass a special offering plate during Sunday services this month however, the entire offering collected during the Christmas Eve Candlelight Communion service will go towards this special offering.

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Peggy Hill Peggy Hill

Zambia Mission Trip

Join Mark and Catherine Bell as they lead their 8th mission trip to Zambia, May 16 - 30, 2024. Deposits are due by February 1 to secure your spot. For more information, contact them at, or check out the information found here.

Join Mark and Catherine Bell as they lead their 8th mission trip to Zambia, May 16 - 30, 2024. As a mission partner, you will engage and serve our brothers and sisters in Christ in this beautiful community through home visits, fellowship, counseling, and soccer!

Deposits are due by February 1 to secure your spot.

For more information, contact them at, or check out additional information about the trip here.

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Peggy Hill Peggy Hill

Brazil Mission Trip 2024

The 2024 Brazil Mission Trip is May 18 - 26. Completed applications are due January 7, 2024. But even if you’re not traveling to Brazil, there’s lots of ways to be involved in this mission…

Complete information packet and application

Sign up by January 7, 2024

FPC enjoys a longstanding relationship with our mission partners in Brazil. When we visit, our mission is to encourage and support the pastors, school staff, and congregations, along with students and their families, during a week’s worth of activities and opportunities for meaningful worship and interaction. The time there allows us to walk alongside our brothers and sisters in person and strengthen our understanding of the joys and challenges they face every day.

Eligible participants:

  • Willing to be ambassadors of First Presbyterian Church to our brothers and sisters at Felipe Camarão Presbyterian Church, Cidade Nova Church, and Bethel School.

  • Those who come expectant of how God will use this experience in their lives and who are open to challenges of international travel and long days of uncertain schedules in a country whose culture, cuisine, language, and living conditions are different from our own.

  • Those who are desiring to (1) to grow in Christ through the people you travel with and those you meet and through the experiences you will have on this trip, (2) to make a difference, and (3) to witness Christ’s power in the beauty and joy of human connection in His name.

The trip is scheduled for May 18 – May 26, 2024 and is open to all adults, high school juniors or seniors (with accompanying parent/responsible adult), and college students. Is God calling you to join the team for the first time (or a next time) to see firsthand how God is at work in these communities? Is God calling you to support this partnership in other ways?

Be a part of a team within our church body who will...

  • Commit to pray for our brothers and sisters in Felipe Camarão

  • Provide general direction for this global mission outreach (steering team)

  • Be involved directly in the ministry and financial support of the Felipe Camarão church and school (annual contributions through First Presbyterian)

  • Help fund the trip for someone else

Complete information packet and application

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Peggy Hill Peggy Hill

Stewardship… responding to God’s Love

What a joy it is to live and serve together! As we each seek to follow Jesus in the FPC church family, may we prayerfully consider how God is calling us to serve and financially support the work of the church…

Then Jesus said to him, “Follow me.” (John 21:19)

“Follow me.” These two words that Jesus spoke to Peter came at a time of great confusion. We remember that Peter had denied Jesus three times on the night before Jesus’s crucifixion. Now, Peter is face to face with the risen Lord after a gut-wrenching period of isolation, doubt, and fear, wondering what possibly would be next. Three times in this encounter the resurrected Jesus asks Peter to affirm his deep love for the Savior, Jesus, who was standing right in front of him and looking into his eyes. With each of Peter’s three replies, Peter gets more frustrated because he realizes he can’t convey such love with just words. Then Jesus helps him out by giving him the answer saying, “Follow Me.”

This past year was full of new-starts, re-starts, and changes as the Deacons and the Session joined together and worked through a re-visioning process that included approval of a new mission statement and changes to the structure of multiple committees. Many programs have been re-invigorated and are experiencing tremendous growth to include in children’s and youth ministries, Wednesday night supper, and the multigenerational mission trip to Orlando.

Jesus opened doors and said, “Follow Me” as we rethought approaches to serving our neighbors and giving us expanded opportunities for outreach. We grew in understanding of what it means to love one another, and again and again we witnessed the fruits in bountiful measure – and always More Than the Sum.

And now, emboldened with our new mission statement we can envision even greater opportunities for the church to share the love of Jesus with our neighbors near and far.

‘And Jesus said, “Follow me.”

It is with this knowledge that we look with great anticipation for how God will amaze us and lead us in 2024 and beyond. As we each seek to follow Jesus in the FPC church family, may we prayerfully consider how God is calling us to serve and financially support the work of the church toward reaching the $785,000 goal in faithful response to the love of God found in Jesus Christ. Join us in the campaign this month to reach that goal, and let’s look together to the joy of Stewardship Sunday, November 26, 2023 when we will gather in worship, remember what the Lord has done for us, and dedicate ourselves to the work the Lord has places before us. What a joy it is to live and serve together! To God be the glory!

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Peggy Hill Peggy Hill

Nominate Now!

Nominations for offices of Elder, Deacon and Trustee

Nominations are being accepted for the offices of Elder, Deacon, and Trustee. The Nominating Committee invites you to prayerfully consider who you feel is being called to serve in these important roles…

Nominations for offices of Elder, Deacon and Trustee

Nominations are being accepted for the offices of Elder, Deacon, and Trustee. Five elders, five deacons, and one trustee will be elected for three-year terms that begin in January 2024.

The Nominating Committee invites you to prayerfully consider who you feel is being called to serve in these important roles. Who do you recognize in our church family as having the gifts, energy, and spiritual maturity to fulfill the assigned duties? Perhaps you yourself feel called and would like to be considered! If so, please feel free to nominate yourself!

The Nominating Committee will be accepting nominations through November 26.

Please put only one person per form (complete a new form for each additional name).

How to nominate:

  • Fill out a printed form (available on the tables outside both services)

  • Fill out the nomination form online

  • Email your suggestion to

The Duties of Elders
The Book of Order, G-2.0301, states: As there were in Old Testament times elders for the government of the people, so the New Testament church provided persons with particular gifts to share in discernment of God’s Spirit and governance of God’s people. Accordingly, congregations should elect persons of wisdom and maturity of faith, having demonstrated skills in leadership and being compassionate in spirit. Ruling elders are so named not because they “lord it over” the congregation (Matt. 20:25), but because they are chosen by the congregation to discern and measure its fidelity to the Word of God, and to strengthen and nurture its faith and life. Ruling elders, together with ministers of the Word and Sacrament, exercise leadership, government, spiritual discernment, and discipline and have responsibilities for the life of a congregation as well as the whole church, including ecumenical relation- ships. When elected by the congregation, they shall serve faithfully as members of the session. When elected as commissioners to higher councils, ruling elders participate and vote with the same authority as ministers of the Word and Sacrament, and they are eligible for any office.

The Duties of Deacons
The Book of Order, G-2.0201, states: “The ministry of deacon as set forth in Scripture is one of compassion, witness, and service, sharing in the redeeming love of Jesus Christ for the poor, the hungry, the sick, the lost, the friendless, the oppressed, those burdened by unjust policies or structures, or anyone in distress. Persons of spiritual character, honest repute, exemplary lives, brotherly and sisterly love, sincere compassion, and sound judgment should be chosen for this ministry.”

The Duties of Trustee
The Book of Order, G-4.0101, states: “The (trustees of the) corporation shall have the following powers: to receive, hold, encumber, manage, and transfer property, real or personal, for the congregation, provided that in buying, selling, and mortgaging real property, the trustees shall act only after the approval of the congregation, granted in a duly constituted meeting; to accept and execute deeds of title to such property; to hold and defend title to such property; to manage any permanent special funds for the furtherance of the purposes of the congregation, all subject to the authority of the session and under the provisions of the Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). The powers and duties of the trustees shall not infringe upon the powers and duties of the session or the board of deacons.”

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Peggy Hill Peggy Hill

November Mission Focus: Escola Bethel in Felipe Camarão

FPC’s mission focus for November is targeting two needs voiced by our mission partners in Brazil: closing the financial gap for the poorest students in the school and purchasing a freezer for the school’s kitchen…

FPC’s mission focus for November is targeting two needs voiced by our mission partners in Brazil: closing the financial gap for the poorest students in the school and purchasing a freezer for the school’s kitchen.

We are grateful to God for our longstanding partnership with Felipe Camarão Presbyterian Church in Natal Brazil and the Bethel School that is adjacent to the church. Funding the school’s construction in 2003-04 and supporting operations since then, the school is a beacon of hope in the community, providing an excellent pre-school and early elementary education for 130 of this poor community’s most needy children each year. Without the school, many of these students would fall through the cracks, with some predicted to drop out of school as early as 3rd grade. But instead, we see our students move on from Bethel well prepared and motivated to continue their education, with many completing high school and some going on to college.

No tuition is charged to attend the school; however, to encourage involvement and ownership in the educational process, families of students are expected to contribute an amount R$320 (equivalent to approximately US$80) at the start of the Brazilian school year in January. This fee covers the costs for textbooks, workbooks, uniforms, and educational supplies for the entire year. With careful planning, most families are able pay this and do so gratefully, but there are about twenty families for whom this amount is simply unattainable.

School Director Rosângela spoke about this when she and her husband Pastor João Batista visited Bristol in August. In previous years, the teachers and administration have scrambled to find ways to cover these unbudgeted costs. This year, FPC’s Missions and Outreach Committee deemed it worthy of our attention to help raise the funds to purchase the necessary supplies and uniforms for these students.

Now, to the freezer! We all know that nutrition plays an important role in a student’s success. João Batista works with various organizations in the region and receives regular commodity distributions of fresh fruits and vegetables, sometimes unexpectedly. For example, in the summer they received on short notice a truckload of papaya and melons! Even after distributing to the church and school families and many neighbors around the church, without freezer storage some of this produce goes to waste, when it could have been stored and used throughout the year to feed the students.

Our first priority is assisting with the student fees for the coming school year (~$1,600). Funds over this amount will go toward the freezer purchase. The total needed to fully fund both projects is around US$2,900. When making your donation please note “November Brazil Mission Focus.”

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Peggy Hill Peggy Hill

Men’s Breakfast

Calling All Men!

Join us for Bristol area’s Men’s Fellowship Breakfast that happens the third Saturday of each month. This Saturday, October 21, at 7:30 am is the next one - DON’T MISS IT! All meetings are held at First Presbyterian Church of Bristol. All men are welcome.

Join us for Bristol area’s Men’s Fellowship Breakfast that happens the third Saturday of each month. This Saturday, October 21, at 7:30 am is the next one - DON’T MISS IT! All meetings are held at First Presbyterian Church of Bristol. All men are welcome.

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Peggy Hill Peggy Hill

October Mission Focus: Rise Against Hunger

October’s mission focus is Rise Against Hunger (formerly Stop Hunger Now). This month we are accepting donations to help offset the cost of the food. But on November 5 our church will host a meal-packing party. We need LOTS of volunteers to make it happen! Sign up HERE to help!

Rise Against Hunger packs and distributes nutrient-dense meals to areas of high need across the world. On Sunday, November 5, at 1:30 p.m., we will work together to pack 10,000 meals for people in need, and it will only take about two hours to get the job done! 

FPC’s mission focus in October is getting ready for a meal-packing party for Rise Against Hunger (formerly Stop Hunger Now). Rise Against Hunger packs and distributes nutrient-dense meals to areas of high need across the world. On November 5, we will work together to pack 10,000 meals for people in need, and it will only take about two hours to get the job done! 

The meals we pack could be sent to any of 38 countries, from Burundi to Zimbabwe. Rise Against Hunger also works with communities in these countries to improve their own long-term food security. In 2022, volunteers for Rise Against Hunger packed 44.5 million meals. You can learn more about this great organization here.

Register to participate on November 5.

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Peggy Hill Peggy Hill

Africa Impact Project

We’re all invited… October 14 @ 3:30 p.m., KU Soccer Field

King University men’s soccer team plays Converse University. It’s not just any soccer match. We cannot predict which team will win, but the ultimate winner will be the Africa Impact Project, a Christian discipleship sports ministry that shares the gospel with orphans served by The Phoebe Foundation and the Shabach Beyond Center Nigeria…

When the King University men play the Converse University men on the King soccer field Saturday, October 14, at 3:30 p.m., the ultimate winner will be the Africa Impact Project. Co-created by the leaders of the Phoebe Foundation Africa, Pastor Chris and Phoebe Chanda of Zambia, and FPC member Coach Mark Bell, the project is a Christian discipleship sports ministry that reaches out to orphans and vulnerable children in Zambia by sharing the gospel through soccer.

The upcoming game will also honor the Shabach Beyond Center Nigeria, founded by our own Jerry and Rachael Swam Sidi, that will also serve orphans. The other African countries and ministries represented on the KU men’s soccer team will also be highlighted. The goal is to help foster awareness about the mutually enriching experience of intercultural relationships from a global ministry perspective. Everyone at FPC is invited to this free match. Invite your family and friends!

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Peggy Hill Peggy Hill

Men’s Breakfast

Come join us!

Bristol area’s Men’s Fellowship Breakfast will be held once again on Saturday, September 16, at 7:30 am at First Presbyterian Church of Bristol. All men are welcome.

Join us for Bristol area’s Men’s Fellowship Breakfast that happens the third Saturday of each month. This Saturday, September 16, at 7:30 am is the next one - DON’T MISS IT! All meetings are held at First Presbyterian Church of Bristol. All men are welcome.

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Peggy Hill Peggy Hill

Boy Scout Troop 3 Yard Sale

Do you have things you’d like to get rid of?

FPC’s Boy Scout Troop 3 will hold their annual yard sale Saturday, September 23, from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., and would love to have the support of their church community. The troop welcomes donations of gently used clothing, shoes, household items, linens, gardening supplies, and outdoor gear. They cannot accept …

FPC’s Boy Scout Troop 3 will hold their annual yard sale Saturday, September 23, from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., and would love to have the support of their church community. The troop welcomes donations of gently used clothing, shoes, household items, linens, gardening supplies, and outdoor gear. They cannot accept TVs, stuffed animals, mattresses, couches or other heavy furniture, or particle board or pressed wood furniture. If you have questions about items for donation, please contact Karen Haaser (423-383-1287;

The troop will accept donations for the sale from this Sunday, September 17, through Thursday September 21. Donations can be left in the first classroom on the left as you enter the church by the Scout Hall door. Drop your donations at the church at these times:

  • Sunday, September 17: 2:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

  • Monday, September 18: 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

  • Tuesday, September 19: 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

  • Wednesday, September 20: 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

  • Thursday, September 21: 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

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Peggy Hill Peggy Hill

Join the Youth Choir!

FPC Bristol Youth Choir (grades 3rd-8th) is beginning September 6 for the Fall 2023 season, and we want all enthusiastic singers to participate. No singing experience or music reading ability is required! All you need is a desire to learn how to read music and lead worship through song.

FPC Bristol Youth Choir (grades 3rd-8th) is beginning September 6 for the Fall 2023 season, and we want all enthusiastic singers to participate. No singing experience or music reading ability is required! All you need is a desire to learn how to read music and lead worship through song.

Participation is only a four–week commitment. Practices will be on Wednesdays from 7:15 to 7:45 p.m. in room 209, from September 6 through September 27. The fall performances will be on Sunday, October 1 at the 9:00 and 11:00 worship services.

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Peggy Hill Peggy Hill

Sept Mission Focus

September’s Mission Focus for our church is Adult and Teen Challenge: Appalachian Region. This training center provides effective Christian discipleship training for persons experiencing life-controlling problems…

Adult & Teen Challenge Appalachian Region

On August 20 our church had the privilege to hear from Brad Rose, Program Director for Adult & Teen Challenge of the Appalachian Regional Training Center.

Brad told us about the work being done for recovery from life controlling problems as well as the financial realities and constraints the center faces. While it may have been the first time some of us heard of the program and the work the center does in this region, for others of us this organization has been a light when all else seemed lost. Visit the website here.

The center works through spiritual and academic instruction, behavior management, work skills and ethics training, life management training, and emotional support, all delivered within a disciplined and regimented atmosphere that offers the love of Christ to each resident as they fight life-controlling problems.

This organization has meant so much to some members of our congregation that our Mission & Outreach Committee chose it as our mission focus for September. Read a personal testimony here.

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Peggy Hill Peggy Hill

Wednesday Fellowship

Wednesday fellowship dinners and programming have concluded for this semester. Watch for our start date in January 2024 and come join us!

During this Advent season, there are regularly scheduled and special opportunities for worship, study, and fellowship. Come, and bring a friend!

Wednesday fellowship dinners have concluded for this semester. When we start back up in January, come join us for a delicious dinner followed by Bible study for adults and other programming for youth and children.

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Peggy Hill Peggy Hill

Our Choir Wants YOU!

Come sing with us! The choir is a welcoming place for all singers, young and old. Rehearsals are on Wednesdays at 7:15 p.m.

The Sanctuary Choir has resumed weekly rehearsals on Wednesdays at 7:15 p.m. Come sing with us! The choir is a welcoming place for all singers, young and old. We would love to start our year with some new faces. If you have an interest in or any questions about the choir, email Pat Flannagan.

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Peggy Hill Peggy Hill

Be a Reading Buddy

Reading Buddies is gearing up for another school year. Thirty minutes of your time each week at Fairmount Elementary School will make a huge difference in the life of the student you will partner with!

Reading Buddies is gearing up for another school year. Thirty minutes of your time will make a huge difference in the life of the elementary student you will partner with! Last spring’s reading scores underline the importance of this help to elementary school students. Please email Kay Ward to let her know you want to be part of this important program with Bristol Tennessee City Schools.

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Peggy Hill Peggy Hill

Donate or Serve

A Place to Be is Family Promise’s day center for unhoused people in Bristol. You can donate needed items or serve a daily meal in the center.

Donate: A Place to Be, Family Promise’s day center for unhoused people in Bristol, always needs donations to support operations and provide for patrons. Most needed are daily snacks, blankets, backpacks, shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, and men’s and women’s underwear, pants, jackets, shoes, and T-shirts. Try to keep these in mind as you glean things from your closets and shelves.

To donate items, email Dottie Havlik at or text her at 423-956-6747. She will receive and deliver your donations.

Serve: Another way to assist with this local effort for our unhoused neighbors is to volunteer to serve an occasional meal at the day center, as we do for Sharing Christ. We need a group of people to provide the components for a hot lunch (casseroles, hot veggies, fruit, dessert) and folks willing to go to the day center for a couple of hours midday to set up, serve, clean up, and perhaps visit with some of the patrons. If you can help in any way with this meal, please contact Beth Flannagan at 423-956-3837 or by email.

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Peggy Hill Peggy Hill

August Mission Focus

Throughout the month of August, our mission focus will be on raising funds through offerings and donations to help pay for the digging of a well in Kaduna State, Nigeria. This well is a project of the Shabach Beyond Center Nigeria, founded by our own Jerry and Rachael Swam Sidi. The Shabach Well will supply clean drinking water to more than 20,000 people in the Ungwan Boro community.

Throughout the month of August, our mission focus will be on raising funds through offerings and donations to help pay for the digging of a well in Kaduna State, Nigeria. This well is a project of the Shabach Beyond Center Nigeria, founded by our own Jerry and Rachael Swam Sidi. The Shabach Well will supply clean drinking water to more than 20,000 people in the Ungwan Boro community.

The Shabach Beyond Center is a training ground. Jerry tells us that if we were to visit Nigeria, we’d discover that Nigerians are some of the happiest people on the face of the earth and passionate about the gospel and worship. He says that God is moving powerfully in Nigeria. The persecution of the church by radical Islamist groups has succeeded in strengthening the faith of the people in Jesus Christ and watered the seed of the gospel of Christ’s love.

A worship leader and recording artist from the Bajju tribe in Southern Kaduna State, Jerry serves in Bristol as Area Coordinator of King University’s RAs and Student Life and as FPC’s Contemporary Worship Director. His vision is to train and empower fellow believers in Nigeria. On July 2, he traveled to Nigeria to sign the paperwork and begin the groundwork for the establishment of the Shabach Beyond Center. The Swam Sidis are remodeling their home in Kaduna State to serve as the Center, whose focus is to equip worship leaders to return to their various churches to point their congregations to the risen King Jesus. Future plans are to house some of the already adopted orphans, who will be taken care of by a full-time, paid housemother, who will live on the property.

There is no life, and no ministry, without water. Please be generous.

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